Conducting High-quality Education Research in Computing

Join us on Wednesday, March 20th, 2024, from 1-5pm PST, in Portland, Oregon, United States (the day before ACM SIGCSE) for a workshop on conducting high-quality, equity-enabling education research in computing!!!

Register using this form.

This event will be for computer science education researchers who want to learn more about:

  • Characteristics of high-quality education research,
  • How to conduct research that meets these characteristics, and
  • How to center the participants and their lived experiences throughout the research process.

The workshop will be held Wednesday, March 20th, 1-5pm PST at ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium as an affiliated event*.

Participants will learn about the guidelines and associated resources, discuss their application to current or proposed research projects, and gain a new appreciation for how to embed equity perspectives in each phase of their research. Specifically, participants will develop personal positionality statements and improve their ability to write research questions, use theoretical frameworks, and develop instruments and protocols.

This interactive workshop will be geared towards those studying computing education and who want to learn more. We welcome submissions from those with any level of education research. For this particular event, graduate students will be prioritized for the limited spaces available.

This presentation is supported by a National Science Foundation grant. U.S. citizens, nationals, and permanent residents will receive a $150 stipend for participating.

Facilitators for this event will include:

  • Monica McGill,
  • Sarah Heckman, North Carolina State University
  • Leigh Ann DeLyser, CSforALL
  • Jennifer Rosato, National Center for Computer Science Education
  • Isabella Gransbury, North Carolina State University

This workshop is based in part on guidelines for conducting education research that were created during a 2023 ITiCSE workshop (McGill, M. M., Heckman, S., Chytas, C., Diaz, L., Liut, M., Kazakova, V., Sanusi, I. T., Shah, S. M., & Szabo, C. Conducting High-Quality Equity-Enabling Computing Education Research. (Working Group Report).(accepted with revisions)

*This event is an in-person event only. We are aware that attending in-person is not feasible for all researchers. Therefore, future hybrid events and additional resources are being planned to meet the needs of all researchers and will be shared as they become available.

For questions about this event, please email

Register using this form.

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