Our projects enable us to create, identify, and promote high-quality computer science (CS) education resources supported by evidence. We conduct this research with a wide variety of partners. Projects range from policy to curriculum design to classroom practices and intervention studies.

Highlights of Current Projects

  • Leading a literacy+CS project focused on K-2nd grade students focused on historically marginalized groups
    • Funding from Amazon
    • Key Partners: National Girls Collaborative Project, Dr. Rebekeh Degener (University of Minnesota Mankato), Terysa Ridgeway (Children’s book author)
  • Conducting a meta-synthesis (through a systematic literature review) of what works for whom in CS Education
    • Funding from Google
  • Conducting research on the Reimagining CS Pathways: High School and Beyond project. This project has the long-term goal of articulating a shared vision for introductory high school CS instruction that could be used to fill a high school graduation requirement as well as the alignment between that content and the two AP CS courses and college-level CS courses.
    • Funding from the National Science Foundation
    • Key Partners: Computer Science Teachers Association
  • Developing measures to define the impact of teacher CS professional development across CSTA teacher standards.
    • Funding from the U.S. Department of Education
    • Key Partners: Computer Science Teachers Associate, CREATE
  • Providing research on the Engineering PLUS to build a system and a network to increase engineering degrees among women and BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and Other People of Color) nationally.
    • Funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF) as a part of the NSF INCLUDES (Inclusion Across the Nation of Communities of Learners of Underrepresented Discoverers in Engineering and Science) Program
    • Key Partners: Northeastern University, SageFox Consulting Group
  • Building High-Quality K-12 Computer Science Education Research Across an Outcome Framework of Equitable Capacity, Access, Participation, and Experience
    • Funding from the National Science Foundation (#2122212)
    • Key Partners: North Carolina State University, Northern Lights Collaborative

Highlights of Recent Projects

  • Analyzing the unique experiences of 2020 professional development (PD) programs for computer science (CS) teachers
    • Learn More
    • Funding from the National Science Foundation
    • Key Partner: SageFox Consulting Group
  • Creating Teacher Practice Briefs on CS education
    • Learn More
    • Funding from the Google CS-ER project
  • Supporting the RPPforCS project
    • Funding from the National Science Foundation
    • Key Partner: SageFox Consulting Group