We provide a robust set of resources to help you create high-quality education research, with a particular interest in ensuring all students’ learning needs are considered.

Research Guides

Explore our research guides to help you plan, conduct, and report on your studies, or to review articles for publication. Use these guides to enhance your research projects. Watch this collection expand over the coming years.

Evaluation Instruments

We offer a robust collection of evaluation tools (i.e., surveys) used in or valuable to computing education, STEM, and General education. Instruments are designed to measure cognitive abilities (like knowledge and skills) and non-cognitive factors (like self-efficacy, grit, and attitudes). Visit our Evaluation Instruments Overview page for more details.

Article Summaries

We offer a full set of articles that are manually curated, including information on student demographics, teacher demographics, interventions, and findings. For more information, visit our Article Summaries Overview page.

Discussion Group

Join the CS Education Discussion Group, a weekly meetup to explore ongoing research in CS education and discuss it in the context of your experiences and classroom settings. Led by Dr. Emily Thomforde, these sessions bridge the gap between research and practice, offering a space for teachers to reflect and connect. For more information, visit our Discussion Group page.