Our media kit is meant to help you with publishing any articles about or related to the Institute for Advancing Computing Education (IACE). To download the logo or photos, click “Download ZIP File.” If you have any questions or need any direct quotes from members of IACE, please contact us.

Our Mission

The mission of the Institute for Advancing Computing Education is to improve K-12 CS education for all children by enabling and disseminating exemplary evidence-driven research, with a focus on identifying culturally relevant promising practices and transforming student learning.

About Us

IACE’s goals are three-fold:

  1. To build the capacity of K-12 CS education researchers to produce meaningful, high-quality, equity-focused research and
  2. To conduct high-quality, equity-focused research in K-12 CS education.
  3. To bridge the gap between researchers and practitioners

Social Media Handles

Contact Information

For questions or inquiries, please contact usersupport@csedresearch.org


Tax Information (for 501(c)(3))

For a copy of our 990 tax form filed for the previous year, please contact us.