Historically, there has been a well-known and continual gap between practices that researchers study and practices that teachers implement in a learning environment. We have found that this gap also exists between teachers and researchers working in K-8th computer science education.

To create a meaningful space to bring together K-8 CS teachers and researchers, we will be holding a one-day workshop at Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) 2022.

Stock Photo The workshop will be held on July 14, 2022 from 9:00am to 4:00pm on site at the CSTA conference site (Chicago, Illinois USA). This one day event will bring together K-8th CS education researchers and teachers to share their perspectives, experiences and knowledge with each other. We’ll cover the following topics during this workshop:

  • An overview of the disconnect between practice and research
  • An overview of how education research is typically conducted
  • Teacher panel discussing the 5 problems of practice they experience in the classroom
  • Breakout sessions for teachers and researchers to explore pressing problems of practice and ways to formulate and disseminate research in ways that center teachers.
  • Research findings targeting pressing problems of practice teaching CS or CT (with highly engaged discussions between teachers and researchers)

This workshop will be led by Drs. Adrienne Decker (University at Buffalo), Monica McGill (CSEdResearch.org) and Anni Reinking (CSEdResearch.org).

We anticipate the following immediate impacts of this hands-on, interactive workshop:

  • Teacher impacts
    • Develop or continue to develop their interest in K-12 CS education research
    • Increase their knowledge about the research process
    • Increase their knowledge about evidence that may help them improve their practice
    • Increase their professional networks
  • Researcher impacts
    • Increase their knowledge about current, authentic K-12 CS classroom environments and problems of practice teachers face
    • Increase their knowledge about the importance of framing their findings in actionable ways that teachers can understand and act upon
    • Increase their professional networks


For those who have been invited to attend, our agenda has now been finalized:

8:30a Coffee & pastries; Form completions
9-9:30a Opening, intro, framing of the day (including norms for the day), how research is typically conducted, language differentials between research and teacher
9:30-10:15a Teacher panel: Authentic problems of practice teaching CS

  • Sonnya Preston, Business & Information Technology, Andrew Lewis Middle School; 2017-2018 Divisional Teacher of the Year; Girls Who Code; Climate & Culture Committee Co-Chair 
  • Tim Swick, Lead Teacher, Computer Science Immersion School, Sandlapper Elementary; Recipient of the 2022 CS Teaching Excellence Awards
  • Charlene Saint-Jean, Media Specialist, Cherokee Lane Elementary School
  • Geoff Cyr, Teacher, Student, Coach, Volunteer, Lifelong Learner, Maine School Administrative District 52
10:15-10:30a Break
10:30-10:55a Interactive Activity 1 (Reflection and Discussion)
10:55-11:25a Interactivity Activity 2 (Learning and Networking/Cross-section)
11:30am-12:15pm Lunch (Assigned seating, mixing teachers and researchers at tables)
12:15-12:45pm Interactivity Activity 3 (Learning and Networking/Cross-section)
12:45-1:00pm Check in/Share out – what were your biggest takeaways from the morning?
1:00-2:00pm Researcher Panel: What the research shows

  • Richard Ladner, University of Washington
  • Jean Salac, University of Washington
  • Allison Master, University of Houston
2:00-2:15pm Break
2:15-3:45pm Interactivity Activity 4 (Moving to actionable steps)
3:45pm Closing remarks, Evaluation form



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